Human nature lends itself to the misuse of power and the enjoyment thereof.
We have come far from being in touch with who we truly are and have mostly lost the plot.
The world is messed up and so are we.
We have mostly no idea where we come from or where we are going. Lost in this tiny material blurb we call life. Yet Life is so much bigger, so much vaster.
We are eternal beings of Love and Light – something one of my spiritual teachers, Michael J. Roads always used to stress.
Yet we have created a world in which most of us are living lives of Anger and Shadow.
We have become addicted to Love/Light replacements, dictated and mandated by fear, programmed by the mass media illusion hysteria machine to drive us ever further down into the abyss of dependencies and modern day slavery.
It is only natural, that in this framework anyone who becomes a leader in any kind of organization would be an asshole.
Survival of the fittest – subjugate to rule – You obey or die. That’s the old world power and fear driven rolemodel humanity has been following for milennia now.
Yet we are at a turning point.
Humanity is awakening.
And with it’s awakening a new generation of leaders emerges.
A generation of BADASSES.
We don’t need to rule over others but can be lead where needed – existing in a continuous non-binary fluctuation in the moment.
We lead by example and through vulnerability, transparency and excellence.
We show up and don’t have to lead – we just happen to lead because we hold ourselves accountable to the highest of all standards – PRIME HUMAN EXCELLENCE, knowing we can only all be free if we are all free as my friend Troy Casey says.
A true leader leads with Love from the heart and uses his mind as a tool.
Let’s be badass, friends!