Your business is a living organism.

And just like any living organism it can get sick and require healing. In a world that is constantly changing and evolving, businesses need more than just strategy.

They need to make sure to look after “the soul” and well-being of the organization and that employees are in touch with the essence of the company and each other.
I help business owners through a Holistic Business Mentoring process I call “Systemic Organizational Healing”


With my blend of expertise in media design, branding, marketing, entrepreneurship, and a deep understanding of healing and spirituality, I provide a unique perspective on business.

Having lived in different cultures and countries, including the United States, being married to a Peruvian, raising an international family, and having worked in many Asian countries, I am fluent in several languages. I understand the difficulties of intercultural communication and address them in my work.

I don’t just look at the surface but analyze the underlying “system” that might be hindering flow and growth. Together, we’ll develop changes that not only boost efficiency but also promote a deeper, holistic “healing” of the company.

How It Works

  • Analysis: I start with a thorough analysis of your company’s internal processes, culture, and structure.
  • Diagnosis: I identify the organizational bottlenecks and “illnesses” that might exist.
  • Healing Plan: I propose specific changes and measures to heal and strengthen the business as a whole.
  • Implementation & Support: We work together to implement with ongoing support and guidance as needed.

Why Choose Me?

My methods go beyond traditional business consulting. I view your business not as a machine but as a living system that needs care, understanding, and empathy. My approach not only helps increase efficiency but also creates a more sustainable, healthier, and more humane working environment.

Ready for a Change?

If you are interested in nurturing the inner health of your business and bringing about profound positive change, get in touch with me. Let’s collaborate to develop a path that strengthens your company culture and leads to real, lasting growth.

christine newell
christine newell
Sasha is awesome! The advice given by text and short instructional videos gave me immediate tools for overcoming a recent injury.
Deborah J Dornemann
Deborah J Dornemann
I have gone to Sascha for several issues now and have been very impressed with his wisdom, practical knowledge and intuition. He listens to concerns, asks the right questions and creates a plan for total recovery. There are few practitioners that I totally trust because many of them have their own agenda or product that they are pushing. Sascha promotes YOUR health and healing, not his self-interest.
Andrea Spyra
Andrea Spyra
Was für ein Geschenk- Deine Zeit - von ❤️en Danke für vielschichtige, weiter reichende Ein-und Ausblicke in und um mein Da Sein. Inspirierend, erdend und weg weisend. Namasté
Jonas Mohr
Jonas Mohr
Sascha has helped me to keep my health in check now for years without Pharma or heavy medicines ! I appreciate it so much to get such calm ,knowledgeable and holistic help with so much personal interest ! Especially with in that typical Pharma go to world ! Thanks 🙏
Maria K
Maria K
I know Sascha since few years by now and I must say that he helped me a lot. Very competent and down to earth. He gave several advices that helped me to live better and feel better. He is always there for questions and help. I feel lucky to know a person like him.
Anna Christine
Anna Christine
Sascha bringt es auf den Punkt ! Er ist offen, weitsichtig und liebevoll in seiner Arbeit. er hat mir sehr gut geholfen. Dankeschön
Jessica Knutson
Jessica Knutson
I have been working with Sascha for about a year now and he has been such a pleasure to work with. He is very educated about the relationship between the mind, body and spirit and has opened my eyes to new ways of thinking about healing. I have had the pleasure of watching his approach while coaching people with different types of personalities and needs and he has such a great talent to engage with people to help guide and coach them in ways that is most beneficial to their needs. He is patient and open minded and is a wealth of knowledge.
Alexander De Baptistis
Alexander De Baptistis
Sascha ist seit unzähligen Jahren Teil meines Weges. Ich schätze an ihm seine direkte und klare Art der Kommunikation und seinen spirituellen Blick auf die Welt. In meiner Arbeit als Coach hilft mir die kollegiale Beratung mit Sascha sehr, um seine Sichtweise gespiegelt zu bekommen. Vor allem ist es sein Humor, der mir die eigene Sicht auf manche Dinge oft relativiert und in anderem Licht erscheinen lässt. Namasté my friend
Klaus Altmann
Klaus Altmann
💯 % Kompetent. Analytisch. Empathisch, dabei mit klaren Fokus und ausgerichtet auf das Potenzial seines Gegenübers. Ich durfte Sascha als Klient und als Geschäftspartner erleben. Meine unbedingte Empfehlung. Dir kann nichts besseres passieren. t
Mike Liberatore
Mike Liberatore
Sascha worked with me for approximately 6 months and helped me navigate through the curve balls of life thrown at me during a very difficult period. He helped me focus on centering myself amidst a storm of surprises and family turbulence. Thank you, Sascha. I am centered, strong and see clearly my path!