After my dad had a massive heart attack and passed away I felt angry. Angry at doctors who weren’t able to save him. Angry at the world of spiritual teachings that I had grown up with. Angry that he as someone who knew about many alternative therapies and was very involved as a holistic dentist wasn’t able to save himself. Angry that I wasn’t around – I was in Peru involved in disaster relief work at the time. And ultimately angry at this whole world that I felt alone and lost in since my childhood and now failed my dad.

All that anger turned into passion. Passion to do everything in my power to heal, to find out what my dad had been missing or what I misunderstood and to reconnect with my own place of peace inside.

When I discovered that passion deep inside I started looking for my purpose more than ever before. I knew I wanted to make this world a better place – just how exactly, I was unsure of. Since I had studied media design and was making money as a branding and web design freelancer at the time I first continued down that path while being engaged as a volunteer in humanitarian projects wherever I went.

 Having grown up in a naturopath family and having been around all kinds of spiritual teachings from an early age I had started my own spiritual quest and practice quite early. The teaching that has affected me most and has stayed with me ever since meeting my teacher is Kriya Yoga (you can read about it in Paramhansa Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi or check my teacher’s website There is also a possibility to download the entire Kriya Yoga Spiritual Treasures Teachings for free on that website). Even though I had been on my spiritual path and was doing meaningful work I still felt something was missing in how I was living my purpose. Along my path I learned to us my branding and marketing skills to create my own businesses and created independence for me and my family.

One day I realised that I needed to start pursuing Natural Healing and to explore those ways that I found to reconnect with my inner Light more systematically and that I had to begin to share my thoughts, ideas and experiences with others.

I started to study as much as possible and began following great teachers in the field of Natural Healing such as Dr. Richard Schulze, Dr. John R. Cristopher, Dr. Bernard Jensen, Dr. Shook, Maria Treben and others. I started naturopathic training with a German Naturopathic School and The School of Natural Healing in Utah, USA.

More importantly I began experimenting with all types of routines and remedies myself and discovered what works and what doesn’t. Sadly most things & routines out there don’t work because those who teach them never actually tried them!!!

I then began combining all of my experience into my own program to help people reactivate and unleash their own Self-healing powers.

Over time more and more people asked me for advice and I have since councelled many people on how to create Powerful Health and heal from within. This coaching organically transformed itself into what is now the RELIGHT YOUR FIRE program. In this program I help people heal holistically so they can THRIVE and go HIGH VIBE in all areas of their life.

I also work as an advisor and consultant for business owners and creators, primarily in the online edutainment space to streamline and “heal” their operations to bring in more clarity, cohesion and efficacy = MORE $$$$$ and IMPACT.

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